Have you ever heard about the term allergic asthma? If not, you will likely wonder what is allergic asthma. This blog defines what allergic asthma is to clear any misconceptions you have in your mind.
Allergic asthma is the same condition as asthma caused by an allergic reaction. Allergy-induced asthma is the alternative name for this condition. Allergic asthma may have affected you if you have trouble breathing during any allergy seasons.
If you are affected by allergic asthma, you feel the symptoms after inhaling allergens like pollen. More than 50 percent of people with asthma have allergic asthma, reports asthma and allergy foundation of America. At this point, you may wonder, is allergic asthma dangerous? Let us calm your nerves with information; in most cases, allergic asthma is treatable.
Reasons Causing Allergic Asthma
You can exhibit allergies when your immune system exaggerates the presence of harmless allergens. Some people develop problems by inhaling allergens which cause the condition of allergic asthma. Allergic asthma occurs when allergic reactions cause the airways to swell.
Generally, inhaled allergens are the prime culprits for causing allergic asthma. Some allergens responsible for allergic asthma include pet dander, pollen, dust mites, air pollution, tobacco smoke, strong odors such as scented lotions and perfumes, and chemical fumes.
Other allergens that are not familiar but can cause an asthmatic reaction include cockroaches, milk, shellfish, fish, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and wheat. These allergens do not generally cause an asthmatic response but can cause a severe reaction.
Symptoms of Allergic Asthma
The symptoms of allergic and regular asthma are similar and include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and chest tightness. In addition, you may experience other symptoms if you have a fever or skin allergies. The symptoms include itchy skin, rashes, flaky skin, runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, and watery eyes.
Swallowing any allergens makes you susceptible to symptoms like hives, swollen face or tongue, swollen throat or its, tingly mouth, and anaphylaxis.
Diagnosing Allergic Asthma
Diagnosing allergic asthma is not challenging because you can conveniently receive allergic asthma treatments in an emergency room. First, physicians perform a skin prick test which is standard to check for allergies. The physician pokes your skin with a needle containing a tiny amount of allergens. The physician evaluates your condition after 20 minutes by inspecting the skin for red bumps. The pimples are a sign of an allergic reaction.
The emergency room near you conducts additional tests to check whether you have asthma besides other allergies and the tests include:
- Spirometry to measure the air you inhale and exhale, looking for narrowing in the bronchial tubes of your lungs.
- Peak flow a straightforward test of lung function to measure air pressure when you breathe out.
- Lung function checking whether your breathing improves after using asthma medications like a bronchodilator. If the results are positive and improve your breathing, you most likely have asthma.
Treating Allergic Asthma
When treating allergic asthma, emergency room Waco involves treating the allergy, asthma, or both.
When rendering medication for allergic asthma emergency care, Waco prescribes inhaled inflammatory medications or oral medications that help check allergic responses. Fast-acting relief inhalers are best used to treat asthma symptoms when they occur and will most likely be the only treatment required to deal with intermittent symptoms. If you have asthma symptoms of mild and persistent variety, you are prescribed inhalers for daily use. If your symptoms are severe oral medications are prescribed for relief besides the inhalers.
Emergency room 76710 considers the severity of your allergy symptoms before deciding on a treatment plan to deal with the condition. Antihistamines are helpful to deal with typical allergy symptoms like itching, but you may need allergy shots if your symptoms are severe.
Complications of Allergic Asthma
Allergic asthma can sometimes have severe complications, and one among them is anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition if left untreated. However, suppose you receive treatment promptly from the ER near you. In that case, the complications are comfortably manageable as the physicians at the facility will provide relief with medications to prevent severe problems.
Reading about allergic asthma can make you wonder whether this condition is preventable. Unfortunately, they aren’t, but you can make them less frequent by changing your environment. You have a couple of choices before you if you have allergic asthma. Either change your setting or remain in contact with the emergency room Waco for treatment as and when needed.